Return and Refund Policy

– Goods purchased within 07 days from the date of receipt, customers have the right to return if they feel unsatisfied, or no longer need to use the product.
– After 07 days, customers can only return the product or exchange it for another item when:
+ For products purchased within 15 days: Defective goods are not caused by the customer, and have been confirmed by Move.
+ Products purchased beyond the 15 day period will not be returned for any reason.
– Returned goods must ensure the following factors:
+ Re-imported goods must be clean, with original stamps, serial numbers, sales invoices, intact shape, without scratches, deformations, fires, etc.
+ The goods must be intact, not dented, without signs of damage and accompanying promotional products. Note: Customers please bring the product that needs to be returned to the place of purchase to have it resolved according to regulations. For products that need to be shipped to Move, customers will have to pay the incurred shipping fees and pay the outgoing shipping fee if they receive a free shipping promotion.
+ Clearance and discount goods are not subject to the re-import or renewal policy
Disclaimer:  Because the products are all wrapped in sealed packaging Move cannot pre-check shape, color, flavor, and sometimes there are slight differences between batches. Move will not be responsible for returns for subjective reasons from the customer such as:
– The product color is different from the previous product.
– The product has a different flavor than the previous product.
– The product’s solubility is not completely different from the product used before.
– Customers will receive a refund after completing the goods return procedure. The refund amount is equal to 100% of the amount the customer paid to Move.
– Payment method: Bank transfer or cash.
– For customers paying by POS card machine or online payment. Customers please bear the transaction fee of 2-3% of the order value.
Note: We only refund the amount you paid for the purchased product, other costs incurred such as delivery costs, credit card payment costs, installation costs or technical support ,… will not be refunded.
– Customers are required to present Retail Invoice  or customer code at Move, verified by phone number or Order Email.
– In case the product has been issued a financial invoice by Move Fitness Co., Ltd., customers who want to return the product must return the financial invoice or carry out procedures to cancel this invoice according to the provisions of law.